Before you can be invited to apply for any of the visas below you need to complete and submit an expression of interest. You can express your interest in all 3 visas if you wish.

These 3 visas are all points tested. If you meet the points threshold (65) and are selected, we may invite you to apply. Find out how many points you may score with the points calculator.

Skilled Independent (subclass 189) visa

This is a permanent visa. You will become an Australian permanent resident on the day your visa is granted.

With this visa, you can:

You must:

Any family members you include in your visa application will also need to meet our health and character requirements.

Find out more about the Skilled Independent (subclass 189) visa.

For an indication of how long it may take for your application to be processed, check the visa processing time guide.

Start your expression of interest now

Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa

This is a permanent visa. You will become an Australian permanent resident on the day your visa is granted.

You need to be nominated by a state or territory government agency for this visa. Each state and territory government has their own criteria for deciding who they will nominate. Depending on the state or territory, you may need to provide additional information and documentation, and meet additional requirements. Find out about the requirements of each state and territory

Being nominated by a state or territory for the Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa attracts an additional 5 points.

If you are nominated by a state or territory government we will invite you to apply for this visa.

With this visa, you can:

You must:

Any family members you include in your visa application will also need to meet our health and character requirements.

Find out more about the Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa.

For an indication of how long it may take for your application to be processed, check the visa processing time guide.


Start your expression of interest now

Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) (subclass 491) visa

This visa allows you to live and work in a designated regional area of Australia for 5 years. For migration purposes, most locations in Australia outside Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane are classed as designated regional areas.

You need to be nominated by a state or territory government or sponsored by an eligible relative for this visa.

Nomination by a state or territory or sponsorship by an eligible relative

Be nominated by a state or territory government agency

Each state and territory government has their own criteria for deciding who they will nominate. Depending on the state or territory, you may need to provide additional information and documentation, and meet additional requirements. Find out about the requirements of each state and territory

Being nominated by a state or territory for the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) (subclass 491) visa attracts an additional 15 points.

If you are nominated by a state or territory government we will invite you to apply for this visa.

Be sponsored by an eligible relative

You can be sponsored by an eligible family member who is an Australian citizen, an Australian permanent resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen. Your sponsor must usually live in a designated regional area of Australia.

You can find the definition of ‘eligible family member’ under be nominated or sponsored.

Being sponsored by an eligible relative for the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) (subclass 491) visa attracts an additional 15 points.

If you are sponsored by an eligible relative and the sponsorship is approved, we may invite you to apply for this visa.

With this visa you can:

  • stay in Australia for 5 years from the date we grant you the visa
  • live, work and study in a designated regional area of Australia
  • include members of your family unit in your application (see definition in glossary)
  • apply for permanent residence 3 years after your visa is granted
  • travel to and from Australia as many times as you wish, while the visa is valid.

You must:

Any family members you include in your visa application will also need to meet our health and character requirements.

Find out more about the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) (subclass 491) visa.

For an indication of how long it may take for your application to be processed, check the visa processing time guide.

Start your expression of interest now

Other visa options

There are other visas available if you don’t qualify for a points-tested visa.

For the visas mentioned below, there is no expression of interest needed.  Your family can come with you. You can travel to and from Australia as many times as you wish. These visa options include:

Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186) visa

The Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) visa is a permanent visa for people aged under 45. An employer must nominate you for this visa. You need to have an occupation on the relevant skilled occupation list. Read more about the ENS.

Skills in Demand (subclass 482) visa

The Skills in Demand is a temporary skilled employment visa consisting of 3 streams that can be used to fill vacancies in a business where Australian workers are unavailable. You can stay in Australia up to 4 years with this visa (5 if you have a Hong Kong passport).

There is no age limit. An employer must sponsor you and you generally need to have an occupation on the relevant skilled occupation list. Read more about the Skills in Demand visa.

Find the best skilled visa option for you at Working in Australia.

Aged care industry labour agreement

Nursing support workers, personal care assistants and aged or disabled carers can get concessions to standard skilled visa requirements if sponsored by an employer with an aged care industry labour agreement.

The concessions include no post-qualification work experience requirements, priority visa processing and English language concessions for some workers. Once in Australia, workers with 2 years’ full time work experience in a relevant direct care occupation can apply for permanent residence. Read more about the aged care industry labour agreement.

Getting help with your visa application

You can get help with your visa application from a registered migration agent, a legal practitioner or an exempt person

Be aware that migration agents can’t fast-track the processing of your visa application or guarantee you a visa. 

For more information see: Who can help with your application?